Member-only story
The season bursts into life with daily transphobic dramas all across the UK
This week, the BBC doubled down on its demand employees stay neutral on culture war issues in the run-up to an election likely to feature a lot of culture war. If they genuinely intend to enforce that across the board, that might not be a bad thing.
Because who would not welcome a period of silence from the transphobes?
Sadly, cynical ol’ me suspects this rule won’t be applied in an even-handed fashion. It will be used to clamp down on the likes of Gary Lineker… but not Andrew Neil!
So perhaps it is time to keep a closer eye on the BBC.
Now read on…
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How can i put this? The BBC has trans…. issues? No. Trans… problems? Nah.
Stop mincing words, jane. The BBC is a dumpster fire of unreconstructed bigotry and misinformation when it comes to trans folks. More of that in a minute.
That’s why, at the end of this piece, i will be asking you, dear reader, to join me and Trans Media Watch in a new project: #BBCWatch. It will be a bit like SpringWatch, which looks out for signs of spring; CrimeWatch, which keeps an eye on criminals; and Watchdog, which does much the same for Crufts…