
…isn’t even close to how i feel about the UK Health Secretary right now!

jane fae
5 min readJul 15, 2024
The image is of Health Secretary Wes Streeting. The speech allocated to him is from Macbeth, Act III, sc. 4: “ “I am in blood / Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er”. The accompanying headlines read: “Whoda thunk…that the Health Secretary’s first stop for political strategy…would be not Macchiavelli — but Macbeth?”
Health Secretary reprising his role as Macbeth from a school play: image believed to be public domain. Let me know if not

Not been writing for a while, because …old, tired, and just a bit burnt out. But reading the smug, sanctimonious, stupid views of Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, this weekend, i am boiling. With rage.

So here i am. Inspired by the sheer idiocy of his views expressed on the twitter about the Cass Review, and his decision to ban puberty blockers for trans kids, i am back; like Gandalf from the depths of Moria, to cast down this baleful Balrog!

Now read on…

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Let’s keep this short. Let us, for now, pass by claims that the Health Secretary, in his younger days, expressed deeply transphobic views:

{Image deleted pending further investigation}

Let us pass, too, on claims that he is a friend of the Policy Exchange. An organisation not best known for its transparency or trans allyship.

Tweet from @LGVwiththeT, 15 July 2024



jane fae

Feminist, writer, campaigner on political and sexual liberty who also knows a bit about IT, the law and policing. Not entirely serious…