Hold on to your hats!

The anti-trans onslaught begins here…

jane fae


The image is adapted from Hell by a follower of Hieronyous Bosch. It shows a hellish, dystopian landscap, in which bodies writhe in pain and eternal torment. Captions read: Damned (1): ‘Is this Hell?’ Damned (2): ‘Nah, mate: it’s the Home Counties, innit?’ Damned (3): ‘Personally, I blame the trans!’
Adapted from Hell by a follower of Hieronyous Bosch (c.1480): public domain

After a month or so when the anti-trans have been mercifully quiet, this week will mark a return to ‘business as usual’. There is a string of initiatives in the pipeline deliberately designed to restrict and strip rights from trans people in the UK.

TW: If you would rather not know, look away now.



jane fae

Feminist, writer, campaigner on political and sexual liberty who also knows a bit about IT, the law and policing. Not entirely serious…