Member-only story
It’s not fair!
Gender criticality as an ideology is difficult to distinguish from bio-essentialism. When it comes to sport, this tendency, which they do their utmost to conceal, is made plain for all to see.
Now read on…
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The Sea of Ignorance
When writing about trans people ‘n related stuff i do my best to avoid subjects that i don’t know much about. Hence you won’t catch me writing on “metoidioplasty”, which is a thing — and a word — i knew nothing about until a trans guy introduced me to it earlier this year.
And sport! I am not so much sport-agnostic, as sport-allergic. Back in the days when school compelled me to take part in organised cricket, so incompetent a fielder was i that, during one match, i was still wandering aimlessly around the outfield five minutes after the game ended (chatting to a second incompetent) and the two teams drew stumps and left the pitch.
On the other hand, i take heart from the fact that it is pretty much “du jour” for gender criticals to spout utter nonsense about topics that they know next to nothing about. This week alone, they were giving evidence to the Scottish parliament about “erotic cross dressers” seeking gender recognition certificates and…