Member-only story
Throw wide the Overton Window
Market research is being used to attack minorities and prepare the UK for much worse to come. It likely breaks all of the rules. But in post-Brexit Britain, who cares any more?
Now read on…
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“When did you stop beating your wife?”
“Pardon? I never…”
“It’s a simple enough question.”
“It’s ridiculous…”
“Sorry? You think violence against women is ridiculous? Not sure most people would agree with you.”
<splutters into incoherence>
Stupid Questions
And that’s the point. It is a ludicrous question, incapable of direct answer. Because it is based on a framework that is, itself, ludicrous. But by the time you’ve got your head around that and come up with the witty one-line response that will put your interrogator in their place, they have moved on. To the next question. The next interview.
Meanwhile, anyone party to that exchange will have scattered in every direction. Most, we can but hope, will have understood how flawed it was. Some will even now be girding themselves up…